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This is How A Mom Saved Her Daughter from Date Rape – Real Story
Posted in Parental Control by admin

Technology is a blessing in disguise!
Thanks to innovative technology and modern parenting, an intelligent move prevented a horrifying incident.
A failed attempt of date rape on an American resident during her friend’s birthday party in California disturbed parents all over the state. The mother said of the survivor, “it is a trauma for my daughter, and I don’t know how long it will take her to trust people again.”
The rape survivor’s mother reported, “she was getting late as she had to pick a gift for her friend’s birthday.”
The girl was highly terrified due to the incident, and her folks tried to get some words from her. According to the mother, it was really hard seeing her daughter in such a painful phase. Her daughter was going to be on the list of victims seeking justice, but she Thanked God in the first place, and afterwards, TheWiSpy turned out to be a shield around her daughter.
For a long period, the victim attended several sessions with a psychiatrist, which helped her return to life and society.
During her first check-up, doctors discovered that the rapist gave her “GHB” drug in a drink, which made her unconscious.
The mother said, Although police helped her a lot in the investigation, the criminal turned out to be her daughter’s school friend. TheWiSpy worked out to be a parenting aid. “I bought it a month back as my little girl works late at night in a restaurant, and I wanted to know her exact location.”
The victim’s mother was in tears when she said, “I never thought this parental control app would turn out as a life saviour not only for my daughter but for the whole family.”
According to the mother, she logged in to the app to check her daughter’s whereabouts, but she turned on the microphone feature, too, in order to listen to the background voices. The victim’s mother was in tears when she added, “I was shocked when I heard someone calling my daughter’s name and coming up with the words that she is now unconscious and will be easy to prey.”
As soon as she heard the surrounding recordings, the mother made her way to the exact location where her daughter was and took control of the whole situation. She rescued her daughter from the devils and drove her safely home. They pressed charges against the perpetrators, and the case was being held legally.
We have heard that technology has made life easier but never thought it would save someone’s life. You can trust your teenager but can not trust someone else’s child. Her friend reported that it was a bet between her friends and the “molester” as his friends challenged him for this act. One of her friends stated, “He made his way towards the bet and was ready to hook up with her.”
Although the incident happened a few months back, the scars of that trauma lie in the rape survivor’s heart. Moreover, her family has helped her to take a new step toward society. She is now actively attending her college and, in free time, loves to do painting. She let her creativity speak on canvas.
“Become a support for the survivor and move your way towards TheWiSpy.”
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