TheWiSpy Disclaimer
TheWiSpy Desktop and Cell Phone Spy app are designed for legal use only. The software is intended for the ethical supervision of employees and children with their consent. Using the software for intrusion and stalking purposes is highly discouraged by us. We reserve the right to cancel your license if any illicit or illegal activity is reported. The user will be solely responsible if any violation in the state law occurs.
- TheWiSpy doesn’t assure that this specific app will fulfil the needs and will give satisfactory quality for whatever the purpose of the use is.
- TheWiSpy doesn’t guarantee that this app will not breach the rights of third-parties.
- It is not assured that TheWiSpy app will be compatible with all operating systems except for those mentioned on the website.
- Generally, TheWiSpy doesn’t guarantee any specific outcomes by using its website.
- This website doesn’t deliberately pre-convince or advise visitors to make any kind of decision or purchase.
- No part of this website is designed to establish a contractual offer capable of endorsement. No products or services are sold through this website. The content available on TheWiSpy website is only for informative purposes.
- None of the graphical representation of this website is fake. All the graphics and diagrams of this website correspond to actual products and services. TheWiSpy is not responsible for any sort of variations from the mentioned descriptions.
- It is not represented by TheWiSpy that certain products or services will be available from our premises. However, before making any purchase, the customer must contact us to inquire about the availability of a product or services.
- The pricing mentioned on TheWiSpy website is true and accurate. However, TheWiSpy reserves the right to alter the prices and remove discount offers when required. The prices are determined by the policymakers and get revised when needed.
The end-user of TheWiSpy, at the time of subscription, must acknowledge the following terms and conditions:
- The end-user must confirm that he/she is the owner of the phone that is subjected to TheWiSpy application. Or, in case of spying someone’s device, you must have written consent of their acknowledgement.
- The user must admit that TheWiSpy software purchase is solely for digital parenting or employee surveillance. TheWiSpy mobile spy app should only be used for legal purposes. However, if you have any misunderstandings regarding the legality of this app, you can consult your misconception with your attorney.
- TheWiSpy will never disclose your personal information to anyone unless there is a court order or if you have found using the app illegally. In the case of legal investigation, TheWiSpy will fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies.
TheWiSpy app strictly disapproves the use of this app for illegal or intrusive purposes. If anyone gets caught using the app for illicit or immoral intentions or without the consent of the owner of the target device, then the victim is allowed to inform us about the intrusive activity. TheWiSpy will comply with the court order and cooperate with the victim as well as the law enforcement agencies.
TheWiSpy regarding texts, design, images, graphics, colours, style, etc. TheWiSpy is an original trademark registered product that is secured by third party software and from legal attorneys.
In case anyone receives false or defaming information about TheWiSpy app, we request to all the media agencies and human rights foretops to confirm the narrative before publishing any false accusations against TheWiSpy. We will cooperate and bring evidence to clear our status.
TheWiSpy mobile monitoring application software is designed to use as a digital parenting tool or for employee surveillance. This app is developed to monitor mobile devices for ethical reasons only, such as parental controls and employee monitoring. TheWiSpy offers services through an online tool that enables parents and employers to remotely track the digital activities of kids, teens, and employees with the consent of the target user. The end-user is solely responsible to tell the target device owner that he/she is under surveillance and their digital activities are being monitored. In case the end-user fails to inform the owner of the target device or discreetly spy on someone’s phone. If TheWiSpy finds any violating activity using their software, the company will report the state and federal authorities under the law.
Note that spying on someone’s phone without their consent is an act of cybercrime. TheWiSpy application software would not be held responsible for any kind of activity that is against the law. The user who misuses TheWiSpy app for illicit purposes will solely responsible for the crime he/she commits. The end-user must acknowledge all the dos and don’ts before installing TheWiSpy application software.
- Products
- Features
- Social Media Monitoring
- Web Browsers HistoryNew
- Call Recording
- Track Call History
- Hack Phone Contacts
- Monitor Saved Photos
- Spy Microphone Surroundings
- App Monitoring
- Spy Text Messages
- Video Recording
- Voice Message Recording
- Wifi Log
- Spy Camera
- Remote Access to Target Phone
- 24/7 Instant Alerts
- GPS Location
- Pricing
- Blog
- Help
- +1 808-278-9881
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